About Me

Aspiring Diamond Thief

Part of my personality as a designer is to dream. The dreamer in me can envision an endless amount of things I would love to be, including: motorcycle builder, carpenter, diamond thief, nature photographer, farmer, writer, time traveler, etc. No matter how I choose to apply myself, a design mentality will always play a role. Design is just who I am and not so much who I’ve chosen to be. The application of who I am is the power I hold.


My Work

A Selection of PITCHES, PROJECTS, AND Products

HLI Health Nucleus

health & the human genome

A service using genomics – combined with biomics and personal health history – to serve as a personalized approach to an individual's healthcare.


Attaining financial goals

A concept prototype for a tool designed to engage millennials in better financial habits. The concept was built to focus on the financial impact of an individual's life goals.

Comcast Xfinity Stream

A next generation OTT tv experience

A multi-faceted approach to cable, Comcast's Xfinity service offers their top-of-the-line Cable TV experience in a cross-platform streaming format allowing customers to maximize content viewing.


politics informed

A suite of tools built around open data, ElectNext's intent was to inform and engage people on politicians' views of their most valued issues.


Advanced TV Platform

Cadent Advanced TV Platform makes sense of today's complex ecosystem of advertisers, data partners, and inventory channels. Catering to both the buying and selling side of the TV advertising business, Cadent's solutions streamlines planning, managing, and optimizing successful brand campaigns.

My Musings

Sometimes I Write About Design

Check out my collection of stories on Medium. Maybe you will find something interesting about my experience, maybe you'll disagree with an opinion, or maybe you'll have a similar  thought you want to share. In any case, let me know what's on your mind, I would love to hear from you. When you're finished I'll be right here, just a tab away.


Get In Touch

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